Its actually all the bullshit, name calling and nonsensical arguing going on on every Hardcore forum on the net right now!
There's been rumblings here and there on the forums that hardcore is dying for the last few months, and with this weeks announcement of Nu Energy Collective going under, its all blown up big time. Trouble is, I don't see how hardcore is dying!
Some people are blaming freeform for it, others are just shouting crazy opinions because they have grown out of hardcore, maybe they feel bitter about this and are now doing their hardest to destroy the scene. Whatever it is, there's only one thing I can see that's destroying hardcore right now, and that's these people throwing around all this shit.
A lot of them are comparing now to 12 years ago when hardcore went under. I remember those days, and its nothing like it, in my opinion! We have a mass of new producers and DJ's in the wings, coming out with some really good stuff. Yes it's true that a lot of them aren't getting the exposure they deserve, but it will come in time.
As I see it, as long as we have this new blood pumping into the scene, we can't go under. Sure, popularity may drop for a while, but that sort of thing helps weed out the shite, while the true pioneers maintain their place, to bring hardcore to new heights.
The reason I'm feeling so crappy is two fold. 1 - I love this scene with a passion, can't imagine my life without it, and I will do anything to stop it being damaged! 2 - As an aspiring producer, seeing people shouting their mouths off about how all new hardcore is just crap, sped up trance, and saying all us new producers are just putting out generic crap has really knocked my confidence. I've just finished mastering a track that I have really worked hard on, and was intending to send it to a few record companies, but to be honest I now only see my track as generic crap. I'm quite disheartened about the whole thing.
Having compared my tracks to whats being released, I'm getting the feeling that I'm really not up to scratch. I would never have thought that a few weeks ago, I'm proud of my style of hardcore, and personally, I think its unique to me. But these guys have really knocked me for six now, and I'm losing hope of ever having a release.
So, when all this comes to a head, hardcore goes under, and I stop putting tracks out there, you all know who to blame! And I do apologise for this rambling post, but I'm quite worked up about it all, and needed to vent!!
Watch this space for a more creative and thought provoking post in a few days, rather than the ramblings of a mad man!
Take it easy y'all, and I leave you with this:
I am Hardcore till I die, and as long as I live, Hardcore lives with me!!